Published On : September 28, 2021  |  Author : Astrologer Umesh
Goddess Chandraghanta

Who Is Goddess Chandraghanta?

Know About Maa Chandraghanta: Goddess Chandraghanta is a revered deity in Hinduism and is the third divine manifestation of Mata Durga, one of the most divine icons in the religion of Hindu. Goddess Chandraghanta is a divine figure of utmost reverence on a special occasion like Navratri in which the third form of Mata Durga as Chandraghanta is worshipped by devotees. The religious significance that such worship of Chandraghanta commands lies in the fact that goddess Chandraghanta benefits her devotees with abundant peace and prosperity.

The Worship Of Mata Chandraghanta Devi

As outlined, the worship of Mata Chandraghanta falls on the third day of Navratri, a very auspicious religious occasion that marks the celebration of Mata Durga and her nine divine forms in which goddess Chandraghanta is the third one. Navratri is a holy event of nine divine nights of Navdurga. The worship of Mata Chandraghanta consists of graceful prostration of devotees shown toward Devi Chandraghanta and complementing her puja by offering the deity floral prayer and Prasad. It is believed that devotees who undertake puja of goddess Chandraghanta with utmost sanctity and reverence are the beneficiaries of divine salvation, along with peace, grace, prosperity, and courage they get in their lives.

See that caution is maintained while doing puja of Mata Chandraghanta. For example, make sure the worship dedicated to Chandraghanta Devi is done under the supervision of an erudite and experienced priest or Pandit Ji so that you can get the maximum benefit of the puja in your life.

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The Legend Of Mata Chandraghanta

If we go by the texts of Shiva Maha Purana, Mata Chandraghanta is none other than the divine manifestation of Mata Shakti of Shiva himself. In other words, the other side of Shiva’s personality accompanies Mata Shakti. The tiger or a lion, which is a symbolic gesture of bravery, is used by Devi Chandraghanta as her carrier. The important thing to note here is that the tiger is also a carrier of earlier forms of Mata Durga, which also symbolizes that goddess Chandraghanta resorts to belligerence when provoked. This form of Devi is known as Chandi or Chamunda in which the ferocity of the deity knows no bounds but it is assumed to destroy the evil force. On the other hand, the deity maintains a serene individuality.

Benefits Of Worshipping Mata Chandraghanta

  • One gets the blessing of peace and prosperity from Mata Chandraghanta.
  • Puja of Goddess Chandraghanta, when done properly, helps you attain success in your academic pursuit or the pursuit of wellbeing on the front of health and finance.
  • The malignant nature of planetary effects gets neutralized or dissipated by Mata Chandraghanta.
  • A devotee also attains divine salvation with the blessing of goddess Chandraghanta.


Mata Chandraghanta is famous as a divine embodiment of both serenity and ferocity who protects her devotees and helps them attain desired results in their lives. She is one of the most popular divine beings worshipped for the attainment of peace and prosperity. Holy events like Navratri enhance the divine grandeur of Mata Chandraghanta. She is said to bless her devotees with lavishharmony and great fortune. One should get the worship of Mata Chandraghanta done under the supervision of an experienced priest, so that proper puja of Devi can be done and its right benefits can be gained in the life of a devotee.

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